Advanced Hi-Tech Corporation - A world leader in printer servers, paper handling devices, multimedia products and on-demand publishing.
Amerinex Applied Imaging - A company that creates tools for image understanding, such as KBVision. With these tools AAI has performed on target recognition, algorithm sharing, and solar forecasting, and AAI has applied IU to problems for industrial and medical customers.
KBVision , VisionTutor , Aphelion
Apunix Computer Services - Provides leading edge hardware and software for the UNIX marketplace; areas of focus include imaging; backup and archiving; and multimedia.
Apunix Catalog
Earth Vision Software, Inc. - Powerful tool designed to help you analyze and manipulate your images and data with an easy to use interface
X-Image Analysis Toolkit (XIAT)
Handmade Software, Inc. - Makes images compatible regardless of software, hardware, or output device, supporting over 70 image formats and JPEG compression; provides professional color management; PostScript available.
Image Alchemy
INSO Corporation - Illustra's ORDBMS technology is the database for multimedia and other rich, complex data. Webmasters the world The leading developer of graphics filters for the software industry.
Mentalix, Inc. - The industry's premier solution for image scanning, annotation, editing, storage, retrieval and processing on UNIX platforms.
Pixel!FX Family of products
NetPhonic Communications, Inc. - Make touchtone phone calls to Web-On-Call equipped websites to listen to, receive fax, e-mail, or postal mail copies of web documents.
Web on Call
Vividata, Inc. - A leader in supplying UNIX imaging software that excels in productivity, ease of use and technical support.
ScanShop , PostShop , OCR Shop
XV - An interactive image manipulation program for X Windows that converts image files to and from GIF, JPEG, TIFF, PBM, PPM, X11, bitmap, Sun rasterfile, RLE, RGB, PCX and PM formats.